currently // jan 2015


currently, I am


The Paperthinks notebook that I ordered for myself almost two years ago. It’s the perfect size and is a beautiful color. Plus all of Paperthinks‘ products are made from recycled leather, so they are both durable + green. Win-win!


I have several books that I am in the process of reading right now, but the two most notable are The Mysterious Benedict Society and The Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart and Not Who I Imagined by Margot Starbuck. Also I just recently finished Paper Towns by John Green and can I say? fabulous, splendid, worthy of a re-read.


To drink more water. The benefits are many, the cost is free… and I feel like it is a way for me to take a step that puts me in a place of control over my own life. Silly right? But worth it.



The beauty of the Kingdom of God. It’s an upside-down kind of place built on love, honesty, and kindness. And it is so much bigger on the inside. There is room for us all.


That good intentions aren’t enough. I have been steadily avoiding sitting down and seriously writing for several months now, and it’s kinda a duh thing but I’m realizing I’m never going to feel like I have enough time or the right attitude to get things done. It’s about prioritizing and pushing myself to do something I am frankly quite afraid of. My one word this year is Courage (possibly blog on that soon?), and I want to brush the dust off my stories and really work at them. And to start doing that today.

looking forward::

To classes starting back, actually. I have much enjoyed my break and am glad I still have a couple of weeks left, but I am ready to dive into the classes I am taking this spring. American Literature and Ethnic American Literature will both be so much fun.


what is happening in your life, currently?

One thought on “currently // jan 2015

  1. Deciding which Paperthinks notebook I would like.
    Thinking back to my own American Lit test, and wishing it had been a class.
    Finally getting intentional about writing also – such a fabulous thing, isn’t it? And also: the twinning. Oh, the twinning.

    Because yus I just started drinking lots of water. And learning about courage.

    How even…?
    But I love it.

    I like when you post, you sweet brave soul, you.

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